Join Us

We want you to join us as members in order to safeguard the interests of both students and tutors.

Membership is free and start with Registration.

When you complete registration, you will receive an email that contains a unique link. Please click on that link.

You will then be able to choose a “username” and “password” and complete the registration process. You then will be one of our members.

Login to the site and enjoy all it offers.

Students may click on “Tutors” on the topline of the page and search for tutors.

Tutors may click on “Tutor Application” on the topline of the page and submit an application to be listed as a tutor.

Go-ahead and click on “Registration.” You will be taken to the Registration page.

DON’T FORGET TO VISIT OUR BLOG. You will find useful posts on education and current affairs.